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Setup you environment

This tutorial will prepare your workstation or laptop to be able to deploy a Bill of Material or create a new module to extend the catalog of available modules.


The instructions below are written for a modern, up to date version of Linux, MacOS or Windows operating systems.

The curl utility is used in some of the instructions in this tutorial. Most OS installations come with curl preinstalled, if not you should install curl before proceeding.

Installing the environment

Select which environment you want to work with. There is a discussion about these options in the Getting Started section.

  1. Follow the instructions to install the docker engine for your Linux distribution
  2. For convenience you may want to enable your Linux user to be able to run docker without using sudo. If so, follow these instructions to add your user to the docker group
  3. You may also want to enable docker to start at boot by following these instructions

Docker Desktop can be installed directly from the Docker website

  1. Install from the Multipass website


After installation you need to give Multipass permission to access the local hard disk:

Go to System Preferences, then go to Security and Privacy, and select the Privacy tab. Scroll the list on the left and select "Full Disk Access" and allow access for multipassd.

Once installed you need to prepare a virtual machine with the necessary tools installed. To do this you need to:

  1. Open a Terminal window
  2. Navigate to a local directory you want to work in, using the cd command
  3. Download the virtual machine initialization file using command:

    curl --output cli-tools.yaml
  4. Launch the Multipass virtual machine with command:

    multipass launch --name cli-tools --cloud-init ./cli-tools.yaml

    This will take several minutes to start the virtual machine

  5. mount your local filesystem for use within the virtual machine with the following command:

    multipass mount $PWD cli-tools:/automation


If you use a VPN solution such as Cisco Anywhere or TunnelBlick then you may find your multipass VM cannot access the internet. This is due to the packet filter configuration (/etc/pf.conf) on MacOS. You can use Multipass without running the VPN or try one of the following options:

  • Follow this article to configure your packet filter to allow multipass internet traffic when using the VPN
    • if you are using an employer provided workstation or laptop you may need to verify these changes are acceptable with your company security officer
  • Remove Multipass from your system, if already installed, then perform the multipass install and setup with the VPN client running
  1. Follow these instructions to install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and select the Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS image from the store
  2. Open a Ubuntu terminal and follow these instructions to install Docker Engine within the WSL Ubuntu environment
  3. For convenience you may want to enable your ubuntu user to be able to run docker without using sudo. If so, follow these instructions to add your user to the docker group
  4. Enable docker to start at system boot by running the following command sudo systemctl enable docker.service
  5. Start docker with command sudo service docker start


All command line instructions on this site assume you are working in the WSL environment setup by the above instructions

Install local tools

Install the following command line tools on your workstation or laptop:

  • oc - The OpenShift command line utility
  • iascable - the Toolkit command line utility to work with Bill of Materials

Install oc

Follow the instructions in the OpenShift documentation to install the oc cli.

Install iascable

Iascable is a command line tool to work with Bill of Material files. It can be installed or updated by running the following command:

curl -sL | sh